The Hostile Worlds Podcast: Exploring Our Universe
Join us on a journey to some of the most inhospitable, humbling, and frighteningly beautiful places in the known universe. Hostile Worlds is podcast that helps you explore alien landscapes all from the comfort of your headphones.
From the freezing hydrocarbon oceans of Titan, to the scorched, suffocating wastes of Venus – we’ll take you on an immersive audio tour to all the places you’d die to see… and places you’d die if you saw.
You’ll join the crew of The Tardigrade, an all-purpose vehicle that can float, fly, dive, and dig through any environment in the universe. There, you’ll learn all the facts you’ll ever need to act as THE space exploration authority down your local pub on a Friday night.
Hostile Worlds is a unique documentary/audio drama hybrid – brought to you by the folks at ThePodcastHost.com

Hello Sunshine | Episode 10
In the last episode, we left a doomed Sarah, David and Dr. Cellarius as they plunged helplessly into the sun. But their inevitable deaths will not be in vain. We'll still have some time on this episode to learn about the structure of our main star before they reach...

Here Comes The Sun | Episode 9
Our lives literally revolve around it. That big yellow ball in the sky - The Sun. But what do we really know about El Sol? Is it just a big ball of gas and flame? Or is there more to it than that? On this episode, Sarah and David venture into the Sun's corona, to meet...

What Are Brown Dwarfs? Episode 8
The Brown Dwarf. Is it a star? Is it a planet? Is it a tabletop war gaming miniature? Is it an obscure Red Dwarf fan fiction series? We need speculate no more, as observational astronomer Dr. Aleks Scholz of St. Andrews Observatory returns to the...

Exploring Venus | Episode 7
Welcome to Venus, the second planet from the sun and the closest other planet to Earth. So, why do we always think of Mars as the closest and likeliest candidate for off-world exploration and habitation? On this episode, Sarah and David head to the only planet named...

The Life Cycle of a Star | Episode 6
How do stars from? How do stars die? What determines the ultimate fate of a star? What causes stars to explode? Get answers to all these questions and more in this episode of Hostile Worlds!

Space, Relatively Speaking | Episode 5
The solar system is a big place, and while Colin's testing the shuttle, Sarah and Matthew have a visitor. David drops by to explain a bit about relativity and distance within the solar system and the universe in general. And watch out for mighty Zordon of the Orcs....

Surviving in Open Space | Episode 4
Since leaving Titan last month we’ve been doing a bit of deep space exploration in The Tardigrade. And although space can look a bit… empty, it’s actually as hostile an environment as you’re ever likely to find. Out here we’re totally reliant on some pretty fragile...

Magic Islands, Cryovolcanoes, & Electric Snow | Hostile Worlds Episode 3
Welcome to Titan, the biggest moon of Saturn, and the only known cosmic body other than Earth, that we know for certain has actual lakes and seas on its surface. But that isn’t the only reason that makes this frozen moon such an interesting and fascinating place. On...

A Titan Looms | Hostile Worlds Episode 2
The Tardigrade is on its way to Titan, the biggest moon of Saturn. We're about to break through its hazy orange atmosphere and land on its surface. Our ship won't be the first human-built device to land on Titan though. The Huygens probe made this place its home...

Our Small & Fragile Existence | Hostile Worlds Episode 1
Would you like to go on an audio tour around some of the most fascinating yet deadly places in the universe? Of course you would!
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